

Higher Education Institutions

CBR Novasome was created as a spin-off company that continuously cooperates with higher education institutions. The beginnings of this company date back to the times of consortium of scientific teams of the Wroclaw universities, demonstrating our commitment to the development of science and innovation.

We cooperate on daily basis with for instance:

The University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw University of Life Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University and many others.

Industrial doctorates
masters theses

We work closely with universities and offer opportunities to conduct:

  • masters theses
  • industrial doctorates

We also offer internships and professional work experience. We support young talents and we assist with getting to know the specifics of the pharmaceutical industry and we help with developing the awareness of career path selection in this branch.

"Partnership For Innovation" Employers' Association

The main objective of the PFI Association is to support those entrepreneurs who through technological advancements seek the opportunity for our nation’s growth, particularly those entrepreneurs with R&D centre status.

Advanced technologies, innovative research and R&D activity, usually require involvement of resources, high quality scientific and research infrastructure. The support of the state and creation of public-private partnerships are also vital, establishing a backbone for accomplishing goals of the Polish enterprise.

LifeScience Cracow Cluster and Nutribiomed Cluster

In 2016, we joined the National Key Cluster Nutribiomed The main idea behind the creation of this Cluster was to build a strong Polish position in the dietary supplements industry, nutraceuticals and biomedical products, as well as to encourage using local, natural raw materials and modern technologies for their production.

With the establishment of this Cluster, it is possible to combine modern biomedical technologies with the knowledge and experience of specialized entities affiliated within this Cluster.

Moreover, in 2021 we became a member of the LifeScience Cracow Cluster that holds the National Key Cluster status. It supports Partners in their innovativeness and promotes LifeSciene activities.

Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry

In addition to its advanced pharmaceutical business, Novasome is expanding its interests in the chemical market.

Novasome’s accession on 22.04.2022 to the PCCI enables partnerships with chemical industry representatives with expertise in coordinating the chemical R&D industry.


 Grupa Hasco